

Area (sft)


    • MVGR Library consists of a Central Library together with a Digital Library and nine departmental libraries which collectively support the Teaching, Research and Extension programmes of the Institute
    • Fully air-conditioned Library block with amenities like Mini Auditorium, Digital Studio, Magazine reading section, Discussion room etc. is getting ready for the A.Y.2019-20.
    • The Library has always been striving hard to meet the expectations of its users, with professionals and its supporting staff.
    • All the students, faculty members and employees of the Institute are entitled to make use of the Library facilities on taking the Library Membership.


            MVGR College is one of the reputed institutions supporting the education in the field of Engineering and Management studies from 1997. The facilities provided in the institution are meeting the expectations of the academicians in the learning environment. The institution is having a good library which caters the needs of the faculty, students and staff in providing the required learning resources at the right time. The college library consists of a central library together with twelve departmental libraries which collectively support the teaching, research and extension programs of the institution. The library occupies 48000 Sft of area with 400 seating capacity accommodated in two floors of Periodical section, Reading Hall, Digital Library, Auditorium, Technical section, Loan book section, Reference section with fully air conditioned.

                        The central library is fully automated in the year 2005 with SOUL (Software for University Libraries) software developed by INFLIBNET, India and later migrated to Koha  (open source software) in the year 2019.  The library is fully integrated with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology where user can enter, search catalogue, borrow and return books can be done on his own.

            Library has a book collection of 45,691 volumes, 20796 titles, 142 print periodicals (as on 01-012-2020), and for proper organization of the library material, library has purchased ILMS, ‘KOHA’ Library Software.  Software is upgraded time to time against the regular Annual Maintenance Contract. One terminal is reserved for students to search information of availability and issue of Books. Web based Library Software with Web OPAC, Email & SMS Alert etc. (Online Public Access Catalogue- OPAC) and Single Window Where Complete Information about the Users Along With Circulation Status, Fine Status, Contact Details, Reading & circulation History etc. Various types of reports can be generated with the use of above mentioned software which is useful for various committees and inspections from time to time. Book database is created along with user’s database. Issue return process is fully automated and pass books are kept as supporting documents for students and faculty. Library is using latest RFID systems in transactions and it is fully air conditioned to support the users for a joyful learning and to stay for longer hours in the MVGR library.

            MVGR is recognized as the NPTEL local Chapter from the year 2016 and achieved major landmarks by placing in the Top 100 institutes in India for the last five years with AA and A ratings. Librarian is the SPOC of the MVGR NPTEL Local Chapter who is conducted information literacy programmes and bringing awareness among the faculty and students to enrol for the courses for awarding certificates from IITs and IISc.

            Btechguru is an online placement ready platform subscribing to the institution Library from the last three years and encouraging the students to view the videos and lectures on subjects and placement related videos. Every week mock test and monthly test is conducted to assess the students. The above activities are being monitored regularly at the digital library.

Library Objectives:

  • To inculcate the reading habits in the user community
  • To assemble, preserve and administer books and related materials in organized collections in order to promote through guidance and stimulation
  • To furnish up to date facts and information to the users
  • To assist the teaching staff in organizing the synthetic methods of teaching
  • To serve the users the general center of reliable information.


Library Advisory Committee:

Principal                                                -Chairman

Vice Principal (Academics)                   -Member

Faculty (Dept. wise)                              -Member

Librarian                                               -Convener



Central library operates on Two Floors with 4 blocks as

Ground Floor

  • Property Counter
  • Periodical Section
  • Reading Hall
  • Digital Library
  • Auditorium


First Floor

  • Reference Section
  • Loan Book Section
  • Technical Section
  • Group Discussion Room
  • Librarian Room



Periodical Section

Periodical or Journal section is placed on the ground floor where the print Journals, Magazines and Newspapers are placed for the users to sit and refer to the latest content and news published in the relevant materials. It is having a seating capacity of 50 nos and 132 Journals, Magazines and 10 Newspapers are placed in the section
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Circulation Section (Loan Book Section):

Circulation Section is placed on the first floor equipped with two computer terminals for transactions, one RFID work station, One Issue Kiosk, One book drop box and two flap barriers.

Loan Books, Issue of RFID ID cards, Issue and Return of books, collection of fines, User statistics etc.            Users scan their ID cards on the Flap barriers and enter into library, drop the books in the Book drop box, issue books on the self-issue kiosk on their own.

Digital Library

Digital Library is one of the important place is access the e-content available through online. It is having 110 computers to access the digital materials at one instance by the users. MVGR Digital library is having rich e-resources like e-journals, e-books, e-databases, NPTEL video courses, NITTR videos and other open access e-material is available at the digital library placed in the ground floor for easy access to the users.
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Reprographic services

The Photocopy facility in the library is extended through an external outfit, namely M/s Electra
Photo Studio, who is permitted to operate from within the, Central Library premises. The rates for
photocopying and other services are as follows:
Photocopy (Black & White) 1.00

Technical Section

Technical section is placed on the first floor of the library where the technical processing of materials will be taken. Preparation of ID cards, Books Processing, Periodicals processing and other relevant works to the library office like payments to the vendors will be done at the technical section.

Reference Section

Reference section is placed on the first floor where the rare materials and reference materials are placed to access by the users. Handbooks, Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries and other important and rare books are placed according to the classification system. It is having a cubicle seating arrangement with 100 Nos seating capacity
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New Arrivals

New books are shelved on the “New Arrivals” shelves for a limited amount of time (usually 3 months) in order that library users may have a chance to browse new acquisitions. These new books are shelved on the bookcase at exit gates.

Book Search

In MVGR Central Library, The easiest way to find the book, user can approach the library's online public access catalogue. Depending on the integrated library system (or ILS) the library subscribes to, the process might be slightly different. Generally, you can use a catalogue system on a computer to search by title, author, subject, ISBN and more.
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Inter Library loan section

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the cooperative arrangement among libraries that allows books and other materials from one library to be loaned out to a patron from another library. Document delivery is the provision of published or unpublished documents, generally electronically and sometimes for a fee. MVGR central library is a service subscription for ILL with DELNET.


Auditorium is one of the assets to the central library which is placed on the ground floor with a seating capacity of 90 nos. It is having an interactive display system where it can be used as a blackboard and to display video and lectures at the same time. The NPEL videos will be played regularly for the benefit of the students.
This image for Image Layouts addon

Reading Hall

Reading Hall with a seating capacity of 50 nos., centrally air-conditioned is placed on the ground floor where the users are allowed to bring their own material and sit and read.

Group Discussion Room

Group Discussion Room is available on the first floor of the library. Users in a group of 20 nos can visit and sit in the room for discussing and doing project works. One overhead projector is placed for easy access to discuss and explain by the faculty member
This image for Image Layouts addon

Property Counter

Users are allowed to keep their belongings like bags and other material which are not allowed inside the library are to be placed in the property counter.

Library Management Software:

Library is functioning with the ILMS Open Source Software KOHA (19.05 version) with integrated RFID Technology from 2019. Flap barriers accessing with RFID ID cards, Books integrated with RFID tags to drop the books in the drop box and to issue the books on self-issue kiosk by the user

List of e-Resources – 2024

Library WebOPAC

To access Library Catalogue

Books, Accounts

Local Guru

MVGR Digital Library/Institutional Repositories

NPTEL Videos & Texts, Institutional uploaded materials

DELNET (Developing Library Networks)

Inter Library Loan

(Facility to borrow unavailable books in our library from other libraries)

Bibliographical databases of the member institutions


Weekdays        –         8 AM to 5 PM


   Average usage -           250 per day

Borrowing Rights

Students          -           05 Books

 Teaching Staff-           10 Books

 Non-Teaching Staff-   02 Books


Staff Members

S.NO Name Designation
1 Mr. M.Harihararao,  M.B.A, M.L.I.Sc., UGC-NET, (LIS) Assistant Librarian
2 Mrs. P.Rama Devi M.Com, M.L.I.Sc., Library Assistant
3 Mr. B. Srinu,  C.L.I.Sc Attender
4 Mr. M. Srinivas Raju,  B.A Attender


Dr. K. Uma Mahesh Yadav

M.A. (Eng)., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil(LIS), Ph.D(LIS), PGDCPA, PGDLAN, UGC-NET (LIS)

Librarian & SPOC (SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter)

