
Faculty List

Sushma Rani N

M.Tech (PhD)
Distinguished Assistant Professor
Data Engineering
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  •          Has done Masters from JNTUK   University, with Computer Science and Engineering specialization.
  •          Actively engaged in research in Social Network Analysis/ Knowledge Graph Embedding  for which NIT, Andhra Pradesh (Pursuing) .
  •          Guiding research/projects in the areas of MACHINE LEARNING, SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS and DATA MINING
  •     Handling the admin responsibility of Coordinator, CSE(AI&ML).
  •          Actively engaged in curriculum design/development for the subjects Data Structures (A2), Data ware housing  and data mining(A1), Data Science and Analytics (A1)
  •          Member of Professional bodies like IAENG, IEI,  INSC
  •          Apart from academics, contributing with admin responsibility as Quality Assurance Cell (Department Level)
  •          Has diverse experience in both industry/institution for a period of  15 years
  • Has been working since 2011  in MVGRCE
  •          Awards: Research Excellence Award- Institute of Scholars, 2019

    ·     2 Patents Filed and Published:1 Book Published